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Trying to discover if your visit is covered?
Find out in just a few seconds!
While all dental insurance plans differ, there are a few key terms that you’ll need to know in order to understand most policies. These include:
Another helpful piece of information is that most dental insurance plans renew every year on January 1st, meaning your deductible and maximum will reset and your premium may change.
Again, we like to emphasize that all dental insurance policies vary, so in order to determine whether yours will cover a specific treatment, it’s best to contact them directly. That being said, some companies determine coverage for procedures based on a 100-80-50 structure. This means that they cover 100 percent of the cost of preventive care, like checkups and cleanings, 80 percent of basic treatments like cavity fillings, and 50 percent of more serious procedures, like root canal therapy.
At Smile Care Family Dentistry, we want our patients to have a simple, streamlined experience, which is why we’re happy to file claims on our patient’s behalf and make sure that their benefits are maximized. We’re also proud to be in-network with many major PPO insurance plans and are more than happy to file for our out-of-network patients as well.
Most insurance plans are welcome, including the PPO plans of the following companies:
If you have questions about the insurance providers we work with, let us know. We would be happy to answer any and all questions regarding your dental coverage.